Violet Hill Does Not Wow Me!!

12 05 2008

I’m not a huge Coldplay fan but I think Parachutes is a tremendous album and I love pieces of their following two CDs.  So with that I’ve been anxiously awaiting Coldplay’s latest release since I know they are trying to create something as remarkable as U2’s Joshua Tree.  Coldplay is also looking to firmly establish itself as the successor to U2.  The only two “new” bands that have the potential to become an international supergroup like U2 are Coldplay and Radiohead.  In my opinion both fall short, however, I do respect Radiohead’s desire to create music on their own terms – even if you don’t like it.  Coldplay wants to be the world’s biggest band, whereas Radiohead doesn’t.  Radiohead however might end up being just that!

So with Violet Hill I was looking for a song that wowed me!  When I first heard I Will Follow it floored me, Sunday Bloody Sunday was amazing, I was spellbound by With or Without You, The Fly was nothing like anything I had heard before and Vertigo had a wicked guitar riff!!  Like Violet Hill, all of these U2 songs were released as the first single before the album was released.  All of these U2 songs had a wow factor that made you eager to hear the rest of the soon to be released CD.  Violet Hill on the other hand is boring. I’m tired of this song and it’s only been a few weeks.  I was under the impression that Coldplay was attempting to change their sound but this song sounds like the some boring Coldplay that I’ve become tired of.  It’s safe, it doesn’t take a risk and it makes me care less about the forthcoming CD.    


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